Whose Favourite To Be Evicted From Big Brother

  1. Whose Favourite To Be Evicted From Big Brother Dcp
  2. Big Brother Evicted Tonight
  1. At the veto ceremony, Natalie chose not to use the PoV, leaving nominations the same. The HouseGuests then participated in the live vote and eviction by voting on who they wished to evict from the house. On Day 18, by a unanimous vote of 6–0, Joey was the third to be evicted from the Celebrity Big Brother house, also becoming the third juror.
  2. As it stands at the moment, Jade is favourite to go, with Aaron behind her, followed then by Eileen, while currently it's looking like Nick is favourite to win at 7/2.
Whose Favourite To Be Evicted From Big Brother

Last night on Celebrity Big Brother 2019 two more Houseguests were voted out when the two-hour Double Eviction event barreled through the CBB2 house and knocked us down to just five HGs be the end of the show. There were a lot of twists and turns including an all new comp designed to keep vulnerable HGs safe.

Our first set of nominees are finalized and we have a good idea of who’s going to go but that next round is teetering on which way the HOH drops. If Tamar and Ricky’s side pulls the win then watch out Tom! Can he clown-shoe his way out of the Veto comp if it comes to it? This is going to be a tense couple of hours and even that is a whole thing I’m not over yet. TWO hours? Let’s see how that goes!

Big Brother viewers are distraught after fan favourite Soobong Hwang is evicted shortly after arriving in the house By Demeter Stamell For Daily Mail Australia 14:08 10 Jun 2020, updated 14:08 10. Xavier was evicted on episode 13 of Big Brother, after his alliance was forced to choose between two of their own. Sarah McDougal found a Big Brother eye during the episode, which allowed her to.

Don’t miss this week’s eviction episode! You can stream it live on CBS’s All Access in most markets across the US so you don’t have to miss any of the fun even if you’re out tonight.

Players were picked and all but Lolo will play as she will host. This is the color pattern memory competition. The theme is set to silent films with HGs dressed as Charlie Chaplin. They’ll have to remember the colors to help technicolor the film. Guess wrong and splat! You’re covered in paint.

Big Brother Celebrity Results – Round 5 Veto Competition:

  • Tom wins the PoV!

Veto comp was held earlier this week and the Veto meeting wrapped up on Thursday but we need that done and gone so we can move along on the real action. This one delivered a solid surprise for us when the results came in.

Big Brother Celebrity Results – Round 5 Veto Ceremony:

  • Tom saves Ricky & renoms Lolo

Noms are set and it’s time to vote. Four votes means we could get a tie in the mix here unless the house decides to keep that power away from Tom again this round.

Big Brother Celebrity Results – Round 5 Eviction Vote:

  • Kandi votes to evict: Natalie
  • Tamar votes to evict: Natalie
  • Ricky votes to evict: Natalie
  • That’s enough votes.
  • Dina votes to evict: Natalie

By a vote of 4-0, Natalie Eva Marie has been evicted from Celebrity Big Brother 2.

New twist! There’s a special comp designed to keep Tom safe, basically. There’s a bonus competition that requires HGs to run through the house and count how many staged people are hiding around the house. Then the players run back to podiums and lock in their guesses. The winner is safe from eviction and doesn’t get to compete in the HOH comp.

Big Brother Celebrity Results – Round 5.5 Safety Comp:

  • Everyone guesses under 22 but Tamar is the closest
  • Tamar wins safety! She will sit out the HOH comp

We’re down to six Houseguests and now the pace picks up. Tom and Tamar will have to watch from the sidelines as the rest of the house tries to grapple for the power for the rest of tonight’s events.

HGs have to go back into the house and see how many people have disappeared from that count of 22 in the competition before.

Big Brother Celebrity Results – Round 5.5 HOH Comp:

  • Lolo wins HOH

Quick pick for two noms and then we’re off to the next event.

Big Brother Celebrity Results – Round 5.5 Nominations:

  • Lolo nominates: Tom & Kandi

One more chance at safety before this vote with the Veto.

Big Brother Celebrity Results – Round 5.5 Veto Competition:

  • Round 1: everyone gets a point
  • Round 2: everyone gets a point
  • Round 3: everyone gets a point
  • Round 4: Ricky & Lolo get a point
  • Round 5: Kandi, Ricky, Tom, & Tamar get a point
  • Round 6: Kandi & Tamar get a point
  • Round 7: Ricky, Tom, Tamara, & Dina get a point
  • Tie-breaker between Tamar & Ricky: Tamar is closer

Tamar wins the Veto!

Big Brother Celebrity Results – Round 5.5 Veto Ceremony:

  • Tamar does NOT use the Veto
  • Final noms: Tom & Kandi

Three votes mean there’s no chance at a tie and just two votes can decide who walks out the door next.

Big Brother Celebrity Results – Round 5.5 Eviction Vote:

Whose Favourite To Be Evicted From Big Brother Dcp

  • Dina votes to evict: Tom
  • Ricky votes to evict: Tom
  • That’s enough votes.
  • Tamar votes to evict: Tom

By a vote of 3-0, Tom Green has been evicted from Celebrity Big Brother.

Normally we’d stop here for a Double Eviction but a CBS promo earlier said we’d be seeing two HOH comps tonight so let’s see if that happens! Nope! No second HOH comp in the show. I guess we got that extra “safety battle” instead.

Big Brother Celebrity Results – Round 6 HOH Comp:

  • HOH results are in. Find out who won…

We’ll be watching the Feeds for more updates tonight. Grab the Free Trial and join us there now!

Only two more episodes remain in Season 2 of Celebrity Big Brother as we head toward the big finale on Wednesday, February 13th. There isn’t much time left so stick with us and find out what happens next!

Big Brother Evicted Tonight

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