Online Roulette System Cheat


Legal cheating is where you don’t actually affect the outcome of spins, but you use predictive devices. Millions can and indeed have been won at roulette with electronic cheating devices called roulette computers. Although they are a casino’s worst nightmare, they are in. Online Roulette Cheat Sheet Table Layout: American and European Bets Rules and Advantages of the Strategy Download Roulette Cheat Sheet Roulette Odds & Payouts Best ways to cheat at Roulette Roulette is not quite the same as games, for example, blackjack in that except if you are submitting an illicit demonstration, the house has favorable position. In blackjack, a player can pick up an edge by tallying cards. This isn’t unlawful, however the casino will probably toss a card counter out whenever got.

The one and only way to cheat in roulette is when you’re playing a game with a real physical wheel and a human dealer who spins the wheel and throws the ball in the opposite direction. To really cheat in roulette, you need access to the wheel, so this is why casinos have in.

To win at online roulette with my system is more than possible !

Infact, given that I am an igaming software specialist, and at the sametime a passionate roulette player, thanks to a 'bug' Ifound in the roulette software of some online casinos, a few yearsago I had the chance to finally leave my job as an employee in Maltaand return to my beautiful country to enjoy the location andfinancial freedom that my “discovery” has gifted me with.
Basically,I am a self-employed businessman with a little cover-up consultancybusiness, but in reality I don't work anyone and, whether it might behard for you to believe, I do make 90% of my income by playing onlineroulette with a self-made method . Yes, just by playing onlineroulette, I do win almost daily and I live more than well!


Therefore,if someone who is reading this report has experienced some sort ofdisappointment by playing one of the so many pseudo-systems availablein internet for winning at online roulette, this is the best chancefor you to recover the losses suffered and start making your way toyour bank by simply applying my method that can give you clear,tax-free winnings of €400-500 a day just for playing at onlineroulette. Just as I do.
Injust a few years I went from a meager salary of €1,800 a month asemployee, to earning 5 times more by operating from the comfort of myhome, at my own peace, without having to fulfill any work schedule asan employee, and knowing that I can buy what I want without lookingat the price tag anymore!

Online Roulette System Cheat

Then place

(I'vetried it elsewhere and failed badly many times), but I get the best results ONLY in the following casinos, where I currently play and win almost daily:


at the European or French roulette because they have one zero, andNOT at the American roulette that has two zeros.
Beaware though that some online casinos do not allow the roulette wheelto spin unless you have placed a bet on the table, so what you needto do in this case is to place one chip on the red and one chip onthe black, and ther it goes!
  1. Theydo this to encite new players, knowing that most of them will losetheir money shortly after (usually at slot machines) butunfortunately for them, it's not the same in our case... :-)
    Surelynow you might be asking yourself: Is that all? Yes, that is all. Itis very, very simple.
    Anotheradvice I would like to give you is to STOPplaying after winningabout €400/500 in each casino. It is better to change casino andreturn to it after a few days.

    Thereason is that the more people play the same system, which I repeatis LEGAL, the less likely I
    Therefore,for those who will put the above into action, I wish you good luck!
    Oh,by the way, my roulette winning system has nothing to do with luck.
    Online Roulette System Cheat

    Red/Black Roulette System

    This system is essentially the Martingale system except you limit yourself to placing wagers on the Red or Black position. The payout is 1 to 1 on these wagers and the chances of winning on red or Black are just below 50/50.

    Online Roulette Systems That Work

    To take this cheat to the next level you will need a partner and will need to expect to walk away from the table even at best. The reason you should expect to only break even is that you will be wagering on Red and your partner will be wagering on Black. As a team you won't lose very much (remember the zeros) but because you can wager large amounts of money you will get comps from the casino which are just as good as money. Remember though you can't hang around with your partner in the casino or you will be caught.

    The Anti-Martingale Roulette System

    The Anti-martingale System is similar to the Martingale system in that you double you wagers however it differs in that instead of doubling after a loss like the Martingale System has you doing, The Anti-Martingale System has you doubling after a win. Essentially you leave your winnings on the table and like the famous movie quote 'Let em Ride'. For this system you will want to be wagering on any even money wager like Red or Black, Even or Odd. Lets say you again start with a $2 wager and win, you then wager $4 and again you win, now you are up to a $8 wager and you can see how your winnings can grow quickly from a small initial wager. This system unlike the Martingale doesn't require a large bankroll and can be very profitable if you get on a winning streak. The trade off is you are giving up small wins for larger wins.

    The D'Alembert System

    The D'Alembert System or 'The Pyramid' was invented during the French Enlightenment period of the 1700's by one of the major mathematician and philosopher of the time Jean d'Alembert. This system was designed to work with Even money wagers like Red or Black, Even or Odd and High or Low. This system works by starting with a wager, if you win that wager you reduce the amount for the next spin as the chance you will win two spins in a row is low. Like wise if you lose a wager you increase your wager for the next spin as you are more likely to win.
    This system has a few advantages over other systems. The increase in your wagers is slower therefore you bankroll will last longer and you can stop your session at any point if your nerve leaves and not be down hundreds or dollars in a few spins. The second advantage is that you can quickly find your bankroll in the positive and you can again leave the table early and happy. This system rely's on a balance between winning ad losing bets which can be difficult to achieve.

    The Contra D'Alembert system

    Unlike the D'Alembert system where you increase your wager when you loose and decrease it when you win the Contra D'Alembert system has you increasing your wager when you win and returning to your initial wager unit when you lose. This system focuses on winning as much as possible during a positive series and limiting your loses on negative ones. The downside of this system is that if you are on a long winning streak and you happen to lose all of your winnings can be wiped out in a single loss. Although your losses are very limited during a losing streak.

    Online Roulette System Cheat Codes

    Reduced D'Alembert

    Best Roulette System

    The reduced D'Alembert system was designed to reduce the amount of risk involved with the D'Alembert system. This system isn't designed to reach a balance between winning and loosing but to take advantage of winning a few betting units.

    Online Roulette System Cheat Sheet