Mississippi Stud Practice


Master Mississippi Stud’s Basic Strategy. Every table game which allows players to make decisions. A free online version of Mississippi Stud. Test out your Mississippi Stud strategy here. Practice for Vegas. Mississippi Stud Side Bets. There are two main side bets in the live version of Mississippi Stud. These are the 3 card bonus, and the 6 card bonus. 3-Card Bonus: This pays out based on the dealers 3 cards, with 50-to-1 possible for a straight flush. The minimum bet here is $5 live (I assume that when we get a widely available online game for.

Updated Online Mississippi Stud Practice Game

I’ve stayed out of the casinos for the last few days, and updated the Mississippi Stud practice game using my new Flash libraries. I’m quick posting the new game now, and will complete all the features soon. The new Flash games play so much better than my old basic Java games, that there’s really just no comparison. I know that most people play their own strategies, and just need a playable tool to practice with. Hope this helps.

Mississippi Stud Practice

Click on the screenshot below to play:


Mississippi Stud Practice

I’ll link the new game into the other pages, and this game will eventually replace the old Java game.